Where Every Brick In A Property Is Worth A Bar Of Gold ™

More Jobs =Better Homeownership or Better Homeownership =More Jobs

Many believe that more jobs will equal better home ownership. However, if more people were employed, would that really help our housing crisis or economy as a whole?
Think about it. What is the first bill you pay every month? Your housing, whether is be your rent or mortgage. I remember growing up my parents always made sure their mortgage was paid before their finances was disbursed elsewhere. That meant no shoes, lights, not even food. Once their "main" bill was paid, then we can spend. What does spending do? It helps pay all those other employees that makes the service or product possible. Isn't that how the word go round? Shouldn't we be making sure home ownership is stable and get Americans comfortable with spending again.


Thank You

Thank you for taking time time to not only read this blog but also educate yourself on why this economic and housing crisis needs to be Answered Right Away.
Feel free to contact me at to@trishaocona.com
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